


 私が黒人霊歌やゴスペルに関心を持ち、取り上げるようになったのは、偶々古書店で見つけた歌手、マリアン・アンダーソン(1897-1993)のCDを繰り返し聴くようになってからでした。そしてそれと時期を同じくして、英語詩を探している時に日本の作曲家・林光(1931-2012)や詩人・木島始(1928-2004)を通じて知ったラングストン・ヒューズ (1902-1967)という1920年代のハーレム・ルネッサンスを代表する詩人の詩を手に取るようになってからです。そして黒人霊歌を通してアメリカの歴史の一側面が垣間見られた気がします。本日、黒人霊歌の中から2曲取り上げたのは、ともすると西洋一辺倒になりがちな中で、世界中にある様々な音楽的伝統を可能な限り平等に捉えて示してみたかったからです。 


Is There Anybody Here That Loves My Jesus?

Is there anybody here that loves my Jesus?
anybody here that loves my Lord?
I want to know, do you love my Jesus?
I want to know, do you love my Lord?

Although you see me goin’ a long so,
I have my trials here below,
This world’s a wilderness of woe;
So let us all to glory go.
Is there anybody here, I want to know,
I want to know, I want to know,

Do you love-a my Lord?


He’s Got the Whole World in His Hand

He’s got the whole world in His hand,
He’s got the whole world in His hand,
He’s got the whole world in His hand,
He’s got the whole world in His hand.

He’s got the woods and the waters in His hand,
He’s got the woods and the waters in His hand,
He’s got the sun and the moon in His hand,
He’s got the whole world in His hand.

He’s got the birds and bees right in His hand,
He’s got the birds and bees right in His hand,
He’s got the beast of the field right in His hand,
He ’s got the whole world in His hand.

He’s got you and me right in His hand,
He’s got you and me right in His hand,
He’s got everybody in His hand,
He ’s got the whole world in His hand.