言語学習には適齢期があるとされています。こどもと大人とでは脳の発達段階において大きな違いがあり、言語の習得の仕方も異なります。これは臨界期仮説(critical period hypothesis)においても示されていますが、やはりこどもは思考が柔軟で、吸収力が高く、第二言語の習得に最も適しているということができます。
Kids English Class
There is a time in which second language acquisition is most natural. Having said this what is apparent is the fact that children and adults learn a new language in quite different ways. Children not only are susceptible to new experiences and capable of absorbing new knowledges, but, as shown in critical hypothesis theory, they are in the most perfect age to acquire a new language.
Based on this fact, English Commons Koganei provides the opportunity for children to be exposed in English-predominant environment where they can learn the language from native speaker instructors. The weekly classes are saturated with vigor in intimate settings with the teachers, and children who start off as passive learners gradually transform themselves to a more active and independent role.